
 A couple days ago I "planted" some seeds using the One Straw Revolution approach.  Here is the tale:

A section of these were planted first 
Planted to the right of the 2x4 "leaner board" you see here (laying across the bed)

These are the ones I'm really interested in.  They are in the middle section of the area I planted

In the middle of this section is bok choi, on the right end is cilantro

These were planted at the west end of bed 9, where I let last year's cilantro bolt (to seed the area). 

More ching chiang here, bed 10, left-hand end

Mulched in the "Permaculture Way"
Here I am trying out the One Straw Revolution approach of gardening in accordance with nature.  Weeds are picked (I have taken to actually just snipping them off at the base sometimes) and strewn about as a light, airy cover of mulch to protect the seeds from being eaten by birds.  The idea is to mimic nature; don't work too hard, don't bother chopping things up too much (I can't help chopping some of the things just a bit), don't disturb the soil any more than you have to; just do what nature does. 

Let's see how that goes.

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